Quiz – Name Those Grains

This short, fun quiz will get you thinking about all the different grains in the world. Both common and niche market grains are included.
Many of the niche ones are ancient grains that fell out of favour at some point in history but have been revived through the natural health movement. Some are “pseudograins” aka “pseudocereals” – they don’t come from a grass like a true cereal grain but when cooked they have a similar texture and are used in similar recipes. Links to recipes and more info are below the quiz. Enjoy!
Feel free to post your score in the comments below. To find recipes using some of the grains in the quiz check out the following categories: Grains (whole grain recipes); Alternative Flours (wheat-free baked goods) and Whole Wheat (whole wheat baked goods).
For quiz references and further reading click this link.
More Info on Grains
5 Easy Steps to Perfect Brown Rice
Grains & Beans Salads: Complete Meals for at Home or on the Move
Amaranth – A Lesser Known Niche Grain
Baking Substitutions: how to work around common food allergies
Name Those Grains Quiz – References
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