
Creamy Quark Salad Dressings & Dips

March 21, 2007  Robin R. - Editor Avatar
Creamy Quark Salad Dressings & Dips


Quark is a low-fat cheese that is low in salt and contains the healthy probiotics acidophilus and bifidus. I find it tastes like a cross between cream cheese and sour cream. Below are some creamy dressings and dips using quark.

Base Ingredients

Quark cheese 1/4 cup
Mayonnaise 1/4 cup
Flax or hemp oil 2 Tbsp


Blend above ingredients and add choice of seasonings. The following are some that I have made:

Creamy Cucumber

Add two tablespoons puréed cucumber and one teaspoon celery seed to the base.

Onion & Garlic

Add one tablespoon puréed onion and one clove puréed garlic to the base.

Zesty Sun-Dried Tomato

Purée two tablespoons rehydrated sun-dried tomatoes into the base along with 2 – 4 extra tablespoons of flax or hemp oil. Add one or two teaspoons dried oregano and freshly ground pepper to taste.

Helpful Hints

  1. Depending on how runny you like your dressing or dip, you can add more or less of the flax / hemp oil.
  2. If you don’t like flax or hemp oil, feel free to use a different kind.
  3. Consider coming up with your own versions. Maybe you’d like something spicy!
  4. Chosen Foods, Primal Kitchen and Sir Kensington’s make mayonnaise with avocado oil. They are more expensive than regular mayonnaise though Sir Kensington’s usually costs less than the other two. These are preferable to other brands that use heavily processed oils high in omega six fatty acids. Making your own mayonnaise is also an option to ensure healthy ingredients, and it is usually more cost effective.




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