
Rice Flour Birthday Chiffon Cake

January 25, 2008  Other Contributors Avatar
Rice Flour Birthday Chiffon Cake


This recipe makes a lovely white chiffon cake – a great option when a gluten-free cake is needed! Add your own special touch with icing, candles and other decorations.

– Sandy S. – Contributor


Eggs, at room temperature 6 ea
Salt 1/2 tsp
Sugar 1 cup
Lemon juice 1 Tbsp
Milk powder 1/2 cup
Rce flour 1 cup


  1. In large bowl slowly blend eggs, sugar, milk powder, salt and lemon juice. Then beat at high speed for at least 20 minutes (this is where a stand mixer comes in handy!).
  2. At low speed blend in rice flour, one tablespoon at a time.
  3. Rinse angel food pan with cold water; don’t dry. Fill with batter and bake at 350 F for 45 minutes.
  4. Remove from oven and invert tube pan to cool. Loosen edges with knife and ice / decorate as desired.


Above photo of birthday candles by Juan Croatto, courtesy,




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