
Wild Rice Pilaf or Stuffing

December 9, 2000  Dorothy W. - Veg Entertaining Avatar
Wild Rice Pilaf or Stuffing


This multi-purpose recipe can be served as a pilaf, or stuffing / dressing. Because it is made with wild and brown rice instead of bread it’s suitable for those on a gluten-free diet. Vegetarians and meat-eaters alike will enjoy this flavourful dish as part of a grand festive meal. I used this stuffing when testing the Tofu Turkey recipe.


Wild rice 1 cup
Brown rice 2 cups
Carrots 2 ea medium
Onions 2 ea small
Hazelnuts 1 cup
Orange zest from 1 orange
Bay leaves 3 ea
Olive oil enough for sautéing
Shiitake mushrooms, dried 1/3 cup
Veggie stock cube 1 ea
Salt to taste

NOTE: Add more orange zest if using as a stuffing or dressing.


  1. Soak mushrooms in very hot water.
  2. Cook wild rice until still chewy. Drain rice and set aside (you may reserve the water for use in the pilaf if desired).
  3. Sauté onions and carrots in a large skillet. When onions are softened, add dry brown rice and saute 3 or 4 minutes.
  4. Add 3 cups water, nuts, bay leaves, zest, veggie stock and mushrooms. Bring to a simmer. Cook with a covered lid about 30 minutes. Add more water if necessary. Remove bay leaves before serving.


Mix of Brown and Wild Rice

Mix of brown and wild rice. Sergey Chayko photo /




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